Thursday, May 28, 2009

Using Begin Tran, Rollback Tran and Commit Tran on SQL Server

Sometimes, we're using too much windows document in sql server.
To prevent the mass Execute query on one window we didn't want, better we use query "begin tran" in every windows document.
So, if we're executing the windows document by accident, we could rollback all the transaction we made ^^".

-----------------------------Assumed this is the windows document used
Begin Tran

select * from nametable

insert into nametable values('string value')
insert into nametable values('string value')
insert into nametable values('string value')
insert into nametable values('string value')
insert into nametable values('string value')
insert into nametable values('string value')

update nametable
set namecolumn = 'asdf'

When we Execute execute for the second time, but we want to cancel it. Just use rollback tran. But otherwise use commit tran


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